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What Makes Our Service The Best? - Safety, Reliability & Speed

We stand very strongly behind our services and our policies but here is what sets us apart from our competitors.  You wouldn't trust your data and safety to highschool students and wouldn't want to share a network with hackers, people viewing child pornography and using stolen credit cards would you?

Safety Comes First, Not Profits

You may think we are exaggering about the issue of hackers, stolen credit cards and child pornography right?  This is a very serious problem for other VPN companies, many who do not do any fraud screening.  This means someone can use a hacked PayPal account or stolen credit card and then this puts the legitimate users at risk. 

This does not happen at Pro VPN Accounts, we manually and personally verify EVERY SINGLE order to ensure only legitimate users and customers gain access to our network.  To companies who don't do this, we ask again, do you feel comfortable sharing the same network with criminals?  This is a serious issue because not only could such a provider be shutdown, they could be investigated along with their customers.  This is why we have strong policies in place to ensure the privacy of our customers, and the best way to do that is to make sure all of our customers are legitimate.

Privacy Counts

Just as with any other company, we receive your billing address and some billing information, but we guarantee that your privacy is assured.  We do not actively monitor our servers, customers or accounts, and we do not give out your personal information.

The best way to keep our customers safe is to ensure we don't have any criminals on our network, and this ensures our servers will never be shutdown nor will our customers be investigated, unlike some other companies, many who move from website to website (after they get shut down or go out of business) without concern for the safety of their customers.

Pro VPN Accounts Cares & Keeps You Safe

We've been told by some that we're losing business by implementing our security measures, however we will not put profits in place of the safety of our customers.

Thank you to our existing client base and to our new customers who value the safety and privacy of their web surfing.


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